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Оливер на Эвборде
сообщение 3 August 2006, 10:50 PM
Сообщение #1


Оливер Гудвэл, который снимался в клипе на Call Me When You're Sober, оставил сообщения на EvBoard.Com. Из них стало известно, что он ищет новую группу, где будет ударником. За барабанами он уже 17 лет. Также он поражен тем, как понравился фанатам Evanescence. Побольше узнать о нем можно на его страничке на Myspace.com, которая находится по адресу: http://myspace.com/oli_the_wolly
Профиль на русском читать здесь.

А этот пост о том, как проходили съемки клипа:
I saw that there was already a 45 page discussion board about the mr wolfie so I thought it would only be fair to the people if I talked a little about the vid and myself.
So here is how it went.......
I got the call for an audition from my agent to come in to audition for the new evanescence music video as the lead male. I already knew about the band and had got one of their albums back in England, so I was already getting excited just being given the opportunity. So I went in the next day and they said dont shave and be 'wolflike'. So in the audition room there was 10 other guys going for the same part as me which I didnt like coz we were all watching eachother while we did the auditions, I have to say there was some pretty goofy lookin kids there so I felt my chances would be high of getting it.
So the next day I got about 5 calls from different people saying I had got the part, and I was at work and was freaking out jumping about, and all my friends were saying 'this is gonna be HUGE dude!'.
I went to the wadrobe fitting and met Marc the director, he's a really great guy, and had an interesting vision for the shoot and he had done numerous projects before so I knew I was in good hands!
Then was the fitting for the contact lenses, which I hated! I never wear contacts and I can't stand anything to do with eyes and touching them. Also there was a problem with getting them apparently the producer didn't want to spend that much money for renting them and having a tech on set(which was a lot of $!), so they ended up buying them and training my how to put them in myself. The make up lady and I really wanted them because they looked freakin awesome, so I braved putting them in myself, and it turned out fine.
The day of the shoot I woke up not feeling good AT ALL! I think I had a bug or food poisoning maybe but it was nasty. Usually I would of stayed in bed all day, but I couldn't miss one of the biggest opportunites in my life. It would stopped production or worse, I would have been REPLACED! Luckily I went in and was allowed to rest for a bit while they set up the cameras and set. Everyone knew I was ill and they all treated me so nicely and it was wierd I wasn't used to this much attention. i kept thinking to myself, this is how I wanna live everyday! Also coming from a bunch of crappy jobs back home in UK and also here in LA I was able to appreciate it so much more. Even though I was sick!
I finally got to meet Amy half way through the day which was amazing, she is just as beautiful in real life! She was uite tired so I didn't want to bother the queen with my petty conversations. lol. But she is a great, down to earth girl and I really hope to work with her in the future! At the end of the shoot I got to mee the rest of the band and get pictures, I said I played the drums and talked for while about randon stuff. They were saying it sucks I didn't play the bass they would have put me in the video as new member! LOL
The whole shoot was so much fun with the whole table sequence and the food flying off the table. Some pretty amazing special efffects I think the video is gonna turn out really well. The song caught on to me during the shoot, as we have to listen to it 100 times when we were filming so Amy could sing along. At first I wasn't feeling well so I wasn't digging loud rock music at that point, but then later in the day I was hooked and now I love the track and can't wait for the album to come out!
My scenes took 1 day to shoot then I was done, but I went in the next day to watch the other scenes with the dancers being filmed. That was cool seeing the wire work and the choreography was great. So in all it took a weekend to shoot the whole video. I was feeling way better that day so could talk to Amy and the rest of crew as my normal self. It was funny as I was just wearing a t shirt and shorts and a hat when I came back, and a lot of people didn't recognize me without the suit, makeup and hair all done up. So it took some of them a few seconds to realize it was me when I walked past them.lol

Anyway I hope you all enjoy the video and the song! I know it's gonna be a big one. Any other questions you have feel free to ask and I can reply when I get the chance.

Oli G (wolfie)
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The Goth
сообщение 19 September 2006, 04:11 AM
Сообщение #2

I am GOD of myself...
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девочки)) ну зачем же так жёстко?

она ваще пизда ебучая. сначала для него ноги раздвигала и везде пела что он самый классный мужик в мире а теперь блядь начала на слезы давить. мол она такая бедная а он такой плохой. сцука.

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Rioterra   Оливер на Эвборде   3 August 2006, 10:50 PM
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The Goth   ... Макака.. это ты про Моргана? :laugh:   18 September 2006, 08:20 PM
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Sadness   Rioterra, какая? что она для него ноги раздвигала...   18 September 2006, 08:31 PM
The Goth   вау девочки)) ну зачем же так жёстко? :suicide:   19 September 2006, 04:11 AM
terom   :blink:   19 September 2006, 12:36 PM
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terom   нет наше тоже! :ax: а то вдруг какого нибудь у...   10 October 2006, 07:46 AM

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